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Success Stories

For the past 15 years, we have clients who failed or simply gave up quickly but most reached their goals. Successful clients share the same character: Discipline, Consistency, and Commitment. And the most important part is to always have short-term goals to sustain your ultimate goals and to keep your motivation always alive.

-Jon Ponce

Here are some micro-goals of our successful clients:

Testing your athletic ability like participating in Ironman or Tough Mudder 

Being on People Magazine’s sexiest scientist or meeting Hollywood star Lady Gaga.

Having a special event such as Wedding

Exploring the world like hiking the highest mountain on earth.

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Testing your own physical strength and endurance.

Wanting to get toned.

Extreme Weight Loss

Getting ready for the beach or see the world

Wanting to be a model in our Bench Gym Poster

Personal Training Bench Gym

Contact Us



Phone Number:


(202) 804-1020


(202) 775-9400



1150 18th St NW,

Washington, DC 20036

 Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday:

5:30 am to 9:00 pm

7:30 am to 5:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

Welcome, Everyone! Bench Gym Personal Training was established in 2003 as a niche gym to help everyone in their physical fitness needs and promote well-being to the Washington DC community so they can live a healthy and productive life.

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